I found this blog, Safely Gathered In, from Blog Coach and I absolutely love it. They are very knowledgeable about storage and using your supply. I have been learning so much.
They break down 72-hour kits into small manageable parts, and every month work on long term storage items like wheat, oats, rice and beans. The great part is it doesn't matter where you are on the preparedness you can just jump in and work on whatever they are on and soon you'll be all caught up. That's much easier than staring at a full list of items you need for your 72-hour kit and wondering how on earth you're going to pay for it all!
Head on over to their site and check out all the great information. Remember: being prepared brings peace and simplicity to your life.
Thanks so much for the shout-out!
Hannah @
Safely Gathered In
Another great resource is www.shelfreliance.com. They have a great library of food storage and emergency preparedness related information.
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